Premium Domain Names for Your Proposition Projects. Automation for this project is currently in progress, please contact [email protected] for inquiries.

Domains not on this list, are currently in use. Please email us if you are interested in a specific

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our domain leasing process is straightforward. Choose your desired domain, select a leasing plan (Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual), and complete the payment. Once confirmed, we'll transfer control of the domain to you for the duration of the lease.

Your lease includes full control of the domain name, DNS management, and technical support. We handle domain renewal and maintenance, ensuring your domain remains active throughout the lease period.

No, leased domains remain under our registrar, but you have full control over DNS settings and domain use during your lease period.

You can renew your lease before expiration to maintain continuous service. If not renewed, the domain returns to our available pool for other customers.

No hidden fees. The lease price includes all domain registration fees, maintenance, and basic technical support.

We do not offer early lease cancellation. However, you can choose not to renew your lease when it expires.

Yes, you can upgrade your lease plan at any time. Downgrading is not supported, but you can choose a lower plan when your current lease expires. Upgrading mid-lease will be prorated, and extend the life of the lease, or its possible a new lease will be created depending on the circumstances. This is not an automated process, please emails [email protected] to discuss.

Yes, you can use the domain for email. you will have full control of DNS management, so you can set up MX records for email hosting of your choice.

Yes, you can use the domain for up to five years at a time, at a discounted rate of $10,000/yr saving an additional $3,000 per year.

Everything is for sale, for the right price. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss purchasing the domain.